“2018 Stakeholder Engagement Program” will convene in Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia and Japan.
Please see the Program content below.
English, Japanese
Based on human rights due diligence process set out by the UN Guiding Principle on Business and Human Rights, CRT Japan has conducted a Stakeholder Engagement Program (SHE) in Japan every year since 2012, providing an opportunity for companies and stakeholders to conduct a dialogue. Please see further information on the Program here.
SHE in 2018 will expand the discussed countries and be held in Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia and Japan. A “Face to Face” dialogue will be conducted as required by the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and “Responsible Supply Chain”.
In SHE in Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Indonesia, the participation fee does not apply to local companies. It applies to Japanese companies.
In SHE in Japan, we discuss a range of human rights issues related to all these countries.
Thailand SHE
5/28 Fieldwork on Human Trafficking @ UNDP Asia-Pacific
5/29 Stakeholder Engagement Workshop 1
5/30 Stakeholder Engagement Workshop 2
Myanmar SHE
5/31 Fieldwork on Forced Relocation
6/1 Stakeholder Engagement Workshop
Malaysia SHE
6/11 Fieldwork on small scale palm oil farmers and visit oil factories
6/12 Stakeholder Engagement Workshop 1
6/13 Stakeholder Engagement Workshop 2
Indonesia SHE
6/14 Fieldwork on small scale palm oil farmers
6/15 Stakeholder Engagement Workshop
Japan SHE
Further information about Japan SHE will be updated later.
Thailand: https://business.form-mailer.jp/fms/fc6f10e977812
If you have any concerns, please contact the following persons directly.
SHE in Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia and Indonesia
Mr. Ishida and Ms. Sato, CRT Japan
SHE in Japan and Global SHE
Mr. Matsuzaki and Mr. Wada, CRT Japan.