“2020 Human Rights Issues by Sector (v.9)” is released
In September 2012, Caux Round Table Japan (CRT Japan) established the Nippon CSR Consortium as a platform for multi-stakeholders in cooperation with companies, NGOs/NPOs and academic experts. The Consortium organizes a yearly Human Rights Due Diligence Workshop where multi-stakeholders come together to discuss the relationship between business activities and human rights.
Further information is here.
The 2020 Human Rights Due Diligence Workshop was held for the ninth year, over eight sessions in the period from 27th August to 18th November. The participants identified sector specific human rights issues using the Human Rights Guidance Tool developed by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI). As a feature of the 2020 workshop, the impact and response issues of Covid-19 were also shared and discussed to identify key human rights issues. This document is the result of the participants’ discussions.
This workshop applies the Chatham House Rule. The participants are free to express their views as individuals, not representatives of companies or organizations that they belonged to. The sole responsibility for the content of this document lies with CRT Japan, as an organizer of Nippon CSR Consortium.
We would like to offer our great gratitude for the participants from NGO/NPO, and companies, and those who gave public comments.
Submission and Inquiry
Secretariat of Nippon CSR Consortium (in CRT Japan Office)
E-mail: info@crt-japan.jp