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2023 Business and Human Rights Conference in Tokyo

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Online conference for the “2023 Business and Human Rights Conference in Tokyo” will be held on 20th October 2023.

Caux Round Table Japan has organised an international conference to discuss with overseas experts on business and human rights and Japanese companies, global trends and pressing issues in business and human rights, and how Japanese companies can prevent and address human rights abuses. The discussion will be based on the following agendas, while introducing examples of initiatives by companies that are putting them into practice.

Back to the starting point
  Building a management system with an external perspective based on the UNGPs (a necessary element for management decision-making)
Focusing on the big picture
  Building a foundation of trust with rights holders is more important than building mechanisms in developing responsible supply chains and grievance mechanisms.
  On initiatives that involve third-party organisations and stakeholders rather than the company’s own initiatives
Heart of Compassion
  Use of a hybrid between “born evil” approach (doubting everyone is doing evil), “born good” approach (believing everyone is inherently good)

Please find the conference programme here.

■ Title
  2023 Business and Human Rights Conference in Tokyo
■ Date
  Friday 20th of October 13:00-17:00
■ Registration
  Please send an email to the following contact address with name of organization, department/title, name, email address and phone number. Zoom link will be sent before the conference.
■ Contact
  Caux Round Table Japan
  Email: info@crt-japan.jp

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