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2024 Business and Human Rights Conference in Tokyo

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Online conference for the “2024 Business and Human Rights Conference in Tokyo” will be held by CRT Japan on 25th October 2024. The conference invitation can be found The international conference invitation can be found here.

Thirteen years have passed since the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) were formulated, and sustainability-related laws and regulations (CS3D, CSRD, etc.) for companies are rapidly progressing, especially in Europe. Under these circumstances, it is important for companies to promote initiatives based on the UNGPs not only to comply with laws and regulations, but also to improve corporate credibility, risk management, and sustainable growth. However, there are many challenges in putting the UNGPs into practice, including understanding of management and relevant departments, cooperation with business partners, and the establishment of human rights due diligence and grievance mechanisms. This conference will provide a forum for those in charge of companies facing these challenges to learn how to effectively implement the UNGPs and find concrete solutions.

Conference Content
・Panel discussion by overseas experts on business and human rights:.
 Discussion on “How to Engage with Rights Holders”.
・Case studies of Japanese companies’ initiatives:
 Examples of human rights due diligence and grievance mechanisms will be introduced.
・Opinion exchange: Q&A session between speakers and participants
 The speakers and participants will engage in a question-and-answer session and exchange of opinions to explore specific solutions to issues.

We hope that this conference will contribute to the realization of sustainable corporate growth and social responsibility.
We sincerely look forward to your participation.

■ Title
  2024 Business and Human Rights Conference in Tokyo
■ Date
  Friday 25th of October 13:00-17:30
■ Format
  Online conference by using Zoom
■ Capacity
  Applications will be closed when Zoom’s available capacity is exceeded.
■ Cost
■ Language
  Simultaneous interpretation
■ Registration
  Please send an email to the following contact address with name of organization, department/title, name, email address and phone number. Zoom link will be sent before the conference.
■ Information
  Please note that no videos or presentation materials will be distributed during the meeting.
  Please note that no video or presentation materials will be distributed at a later date.
■ Contact
  Caux Round Table Japan
  Email: info[@]crt-japan.jp

About the Author

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