2022 Business and Human Rights Conference in Tokyo
Online conference for the “2022 Business and Human Rights Conference in Tokyo” will be held on October 21.
Caux Round Table Japan will hold an international conference to discuss global trends and urgent issues related to business and human rights, and how Japanese companies can prevent and respond to human rights abuses.
In this conference, overseas experts on business and human rights will be invited to discuss global trends and pressing issues in business and human rights, and how Japanese companies can prevent and address human rights violations, while introducing case studies of companies that have implemented such measures. The discussion agenda is as followed.
Governance structure
Establishment of a management system with an external perspective based on the UNGPs
Human rights policy
Standing and top commitment
Human rights due diligence (direct dialogue)
Channeling between companies and rights-holders
Human rights and environmental due diligence
Dialogue with rights-holders to recognize negative impacts on the natural environment and biodiversity
Grievance mechanisms
Building trust with stakeholders who can rely on direct dialogue
Please refer to the following link for the conference program.
■ Title
2022 Business and Human Rights Conference in Tokyo
■ Date
Friday 21th of October 14:00-18:00
■ Registration
Please send an email to the following contact address with name of organization, department/title, name, email address and phone number. Zoom link will be sent before the conference.
■ Contact
Caux Round Table Japan
Email: info@crt-japan.jp