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CRT-Japan is inviting public comments on “2016 Stakeholder Engagement in Thailand”.

Human rights are one of the core CSR topics that have sparked discussions and activities in countries such as Japan over recent years. Since September 2012, the Nippon CSR Consortium has been working to provide a forum in which to identify and discuss negative human rights...

Morning Briefing – Brexit: Is the Japanese companies at risk?

The UK votes to leave the European Union on 23rd June 2016, which would lead a surge in support for Eurosceptic and populist forces, upending decades of rule by established political parties. The “Brexit” would disrupt supply chains, reduce investment and usher in years of...

Verisk Maplecroft & Caux Round Table Japan partner to jointly provide Human Rights Risk Assessment Service in Japan

[London & Tokyo – 23rd June 2016] Verisk Maplecroft (Maplecroft) and Caux Round Table Japan (CRT Japan) have committed to enhancing our cooperation with a Memorandum of Understanding in a move designed to help Japanese business manage global human rights risks. We are...

“2016 Stakeholder Engagement in Thailand” will convene in July

CRT Japan plans to hold a stakeholder engagement programme in Thailand. The objective of the programme, which will be implemented over a span of four to five months, will be as follows: To provide a non-confrontational forum where Thai and Japanese companies can engage with...

Submissions: High-Level Sustainability Plan and Sourcing Code for Tokyo 2020 Olympics

These submissions by IHRB and the Caux Roundtable-Japan propose a draft Sustainable Sourcing Code and recommendations on the High Level Sustainability plan for TOCOG. In January 2016, the Tokyo Organising Committee of the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games (TOCOG) called for...

The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games is inviting public comments on the Tokyo 2020 High-level Sustainability Plan and the Fundamental Principles for the Sustainable Sourcing Code.

(The following excerpts from a page of The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.) On 29 January 2016, the Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games today published the Tokyo 2020 High-level Sustainability Plan and the Fundamental...

A Joint CRT-Japan and Marimo5 Co., Ltd. “Creating Competitive Advantage Through Responsible Supply Chain toward Tokyo 2020 Games-Explore systems to promote human rights and well-being at work”

This seminar will be held on 25th February 2016 in Dusit Thani Bangkok for executives of Japanese Companies in Thailand. Brochure of this seminar is available here. Brochure of this seminar in Thai is available here. In recent years, companies have been encouraged to promote...

A draft “Food Vision” for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics is released.

CRT-Japan has produced a draft “Food Vision” for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, on the basis of a series of workshops that brought together companies, NGOs and other stakeholders. A draft “Food Vision” for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics...

“Human Rights Issues by Sector v.4″ is released.

The Nippon CSR Consortium, which CRT-Japan initiates as a secretariat of the Consortium, was established in September 2012 to raise awareness and promote activities in the fields of business and human rights in partnership with companies and NGOs/NPOs. It provides an...

The post of “Business and human rights progress in the Japanese context” by Hiroshi Ishida, executive director of CRT-Japan, was published in UN FORUM SERIES.

The post of “UN FORUM SERIES – Business and human rights progress in the Japanese context”contributed by Hiroshi Ishida, Executive Director of the Caux Round Table Japan was published on the website of the London School of Economics and Political Science. In the post,...